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viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Dear me in the past,
I want to let you know something.
It got better.
If I told you how good it is, you wouldn’t believe me. You didn’t think you were going to make it until your next birthday.
But, please, I wish you could know how good you have it now. How you feel confident in your body, how others tell you you’re beautiful now, how you’re the stylish one, how you’re smart, how you’re working in a lab, how you found your passion and are studying it on scholarship in a new city you love.
How you got over the shit and depression and you take care of yourself, you got your black belt, you eat healthily and exercise at least six days a week, how you get money for drawing and sewing, how people look up to you, how you can kiss and not worry, how you have hookups, how you can make friends now fairly easily, how you can control your thoughts and how you have friends you can talk to. How now when you say about the good things that happen your friends are happy but it’s no longer a surprise, how when you tally up the good it seems like you live some sort of movie, charmed life.
In the future, you will be loved and happy. It won’t be without the bumps, babe, but trust me.
It’s worth the wait.

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